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Collection: Cleaning Supplies

58 products

  • Gybsee

    Sikat Wastafel Kotak

    Cleaning pad floor brush that is used to polish marble, equipped with a handle on the top. Used to clean...

    $1.45 USD
    $1.45 USD
    $1.45 USD
    55 in stock
  • Gybsee

    Springkel Besi ( siram taman putar )

    This garden rotary sprinkler can water the plants evenly, because it has water holes at three points, and can rotate...

    $10.00 USD
    $10.00 USD
    $10.00 USD
    Only 4 units left
  • Gybsee

    Dustpan Tutup Maspion

    DustPan With Broom / Dustpan Broom Open / Fold the lid. Garbage Scoop / Dustpan / Dustpan Maspion lid is...

    $6.00 USD
    $6.00 USD
    $6.00 USD
    Only 4 units left
  • Gybsee

    Insektisida Anti Nyamuk DBD SMASH 100ml

    Spesifikasi :*Isi : 100 ml*Kandungan bahan aktif : Sipermetrin 100 gram/liter*Ramah lingkungan*Beraroma lembut*Persistensi tinggi (Residual)Mempunyai tekanan uap rendah dan toksisitas...

    $7.60 USD
    $7.60 USD
    $7.60 USD
    20 in stock
  • Gybsee

    Lobby set 60 cm

    Ipc Lobby Duster Cotton Set 60cmLobby Duster is a tool that is used to clean / mop dust dirt without...

    $9.90 USD
    $9.90 USD
    $9.90 USD
    32 in stock
  • Gybsee

    Stella Gantung

    Stella 70gr hanging - air freshener

    $1.50 USD
    $1.50 USD
    $1.50 USD
    50 in stock
  • Gybsee

    Stella Matic isi ulang

    Stella Matic RefillCan provide long-lasting fragrance up to 60 daysWith the scent of freshness can provide a sensation of relaxationIdeal...

    $3.25 USD
    $3.25 USD
    $3.25 USD
    50 in stock
  • Gybsee

    Kamper Kapur Seagul

    Camphor Clothing Seagull Lime Barus Naphthalene 300Brand: Seagull - SG 521 Cap: 300 Gr

    $2.25 USD
    $2.25 USD
    $2.25 USD
    60 in stock
  • Gybsee

    Bubuk Vim b29

    Versatile Powder Soap | B29 Cleaning Powder 650Brand: B29 Cleaning PowderNet weight: 650 g B29 Cleaning powder. Versatile cleaning powder....

    $1.90 USD
    $1.90 USD
    $1.90 USD
    55 in stock
  • Gybsee

    Polybag 45x55 Hitam

    Plastic Polybag Plastic Trash 45x55 / 45 x 55 cm (contents 10 Pcs)Plastic Polybag Trash Uk 45 x 55 cmFill...

    $0.10 USD
    $0.10 USD
    $0.10 USD
    500 in stock
  • Gybsee

    Polybag 60x100 hitam

    black plastic trash size 60 x 100 cm (1 package contents 12 sheets) THE BRAND CAN BE DIFFERENT BUT THE...

    $0.20 USD
    $0.20 USD
    $0.20 USD
    600 in stock
  • Gybsee

    Polybag 80x100 Hitam

    50g weight Black plastic bag that is commonly used for trash cans. Can also be used for packing goods.- the...

    $0.25 USD
    $0.25 USD
    $0.25 USD
    585 in stock
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